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Coldsprings Cidery

42°54'35.4"N 78°51'12.4"W

Community Cidery Business  | Cultural Civic 

Buffalo, NY, United States / 2023

Concept Design [Architecture | Experience]

Instructors:  Anna Dietzsch & Scott Ruff
Cornell University Department of Architecture | Fall 2023

In Buffalo’s Coldsprings District, this project seeks to revitalize Jefferson Avenue by creating a community-focused cidery. The design respects the district’s historical and urban context, incorporating circular layouts that echo Buffalo’s distinctive city planning. The project aims to transform underused spaces into vibrant, community-oriented areas, featuring structural elements like pillars that double as light posts, symbolizing growth and hope. This initiative aspires to stimulate economic development, encourage community interaction, and honor local heritage, positioning the cidery as a symbol of the district’s resurgence.

Socio-Economic Mapping & Research

The Wedge - Socio-Economic Physical Model

Rockite, plexiglass, transparent mylar, paint, paper, and foam

A visual reading exercise of how policies reflect the development of land and community’s socio-economics

To visualize the spatial reality of inequality in the development of household and income capital, the white block on the concrete map becomes the heavy blockage - or the wedge - in the model that eats away the possibility of the other neighborhoods from socio-economic growth. To the left of the wedge is the west side, to the right, is the east side, and the block represents the remainder of Buffalo city.

South Elevation | Section

West Elevation | Section

Spaces: Illustrated


Model Scale: 1/16” = 1’-0”

More Renderings & Pictures:


More Projects Coming

©Weizi Song 2021

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